The Past
The Dance
It’s Valentine’s Day. What happens at Diana’s party that will change the lives of the Bob-Whites forever? Rated for all ages.
The Present
Mrs. Fidget
A graduation, a wedding, and a baby, this is the story that started it all. Rated Teen for implied adult situations.
If Tomorrow Never Comes
Not-so-unexpected news and a sleepless night. Rated for all ages.
Sweeping the Clouds Away
Trixie’s having a bad day. How will she sweep those clouds away? Rated Teen.
All Things Considered
Joeanne Darnell has grown up. Will she find happiness as one chapter in her life draws to a close and a new one begins? Rated for all ages.
Rabbit! Rabbit!
It’s Trixie’s twentieth birthday and she remembers to say “Rabbit! Rabbit!” Will her wishes come true? Rated for all ages.
Weeping Endures for a Night
Old choices have far-reaching consequences. Will Helen be able to make amends or is it already too late? Rated Teen due to sensitive situations, this is a story in four parts.
The Conclusion
Give Thanks
What will Thanksgiving hold for Trixie and her family? Rated for all ages.
Is the past finally over? Will her heart ever heal? Rated for all ages.
A Matter of Perspective
With Peter and Helen gone, what will happen to Crabapple Farm? Rated for all ages.
Nightmares, premonitions, phone calls with no one there. Is someone seeking vengeance for some past wrong? Rated Teen due to implications and sensitive situations, this is a story in four parts.
Bobby & Hallie
The Conclusion
The Future
What changes come into Andrew’s life as he celebrates his niece’s anniversary? Rated for all ages.
Time Marches By
Time marches on, and children grow up. How do Regan and Trixie handle this milestone in their lives? Rated Teen due to implicit adult situations and references.
This Christmas
What will this Christmas season hold for Andrew’s bride? Rated for all ages.
Crabapple Farm Christmas
A glimpse at a future Christmas Eve at Crabapple Farm. Rated for all ages.